feratel media technologies AGMaria-Theresien-Straße 8, A-6020 Innsbruck
Telefon: +43 512 7280-0
Fax: +43 512 7280-1080
UID Nbr: ATU35402006
Company registration number: FN 72841w Regional Court of Innsbruck
Responsible for the content
feratel media technologies AGEditing
Walter Dietl, Sébastien Prod'hommeImage verification
Services Providers, feratel, Tourist Office AlpbachtalCopyright
All contents and the structure of the feratel media technologies AG website are protected by copyright. Reproduction of our offers in whole or in part without our explicit consent is prohibited. No responsibility is accepted for the correctness and completeness of the information offered and for the data of other services. There is no legal validity for the offered information. Despite a thorough control of the contents we accept no responsibility for the contents of external links. Only the operators are responsible for the contents of linked pages..Liability for links
Despite careful control of the content of the links, we take no liability for the contents of external links. The owners of the linked pages are exclusively responsible for the content of their pages.Disclaimer
Use of this website is purely for information purposes. The operator assumes no responsibility for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information made available. The information provided is not legally binding. Liability for damage of any kind which has been caused due to the use, or non-use, of the information offered, or through the use of incorrect or incomplete information, is fundamentally excluded. The operator is responsible for direct or indirect references to external websites (hyperlinks) only in so far as they are aware of any illegal contents, and it is technically possible and reasonable for them to prevent any use of this illegal content.The operator declares that at the time of the link setting no illegal content on the linked pages was evident. The operator has no influence on current or future design, content or authorship of linked sites, and if necessary distances themselves expressly from illegal content shown there. The operators of these linked sites are solely responsible for their content. This disclaimer is considered a part of the internet offer from which this page was referred. In so far as sections or individual formulations of this disclaimer do not, no longer are do not fully conform with the valid legal condition, the content and the validity of the remaining sections of the document remain unaffected..
Company boards and committees
Managing BoardSupervisory Board
feratel media technologies AG is a member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in accordance with the relevant legal provisions. For membership in entities of the Economic Chamber see Companies from A to Z on the website
Company’s object
1. Producing, marketing and operating electronic information systems;2. Producing (development), marketing and operating all types of software;
3. Producing, marketing and operating electronic reservation and booking systems;
4. Installing and operating all types of television and telecommunication systems;
5. Installing, operating and leasing radio relay stations and radio links;
6. Transferring television and image copyrights as well as placing; advertising on television, radio and other electronic media;
7. All types of advertising and marketing;
8. Renting and leasing;
9. Operating Internet and e-commerce shops and the associated transactions;
10. Any other trade and measure whatsoever that is incidental and conducive to the achieving of the Company’s object, including, but not limited to, purchasing and selling real estate;
11. Trading in all kinds of goods;
12. Trading as a travel agency.